The story of Levi Strong
Levi Strong was the half brother of my grandfather. He was born in 1840, the son of Alonzo Strong and Christina. He left the family farm for a new life in Northern Indiana. Life was hard and after misfortunes including illness and the lost all his savings when a bank crashed, he joined the 9th Indiana Regiment.
Levi enlisted 5 September, 1861
Age – 21 years
Height – 5 ft. 11 1/2 in.
Eyes – Blue
Hair – Light
Born in Berlin Center, Trumbull County, Ohio; Occupation – Farmer
Muster Calls
- 31 October 1861 Not stated
- 31 December 1861 Not stated
- Jan. and Feb 1862 Present
- March and April 1862 Absent; on sick leave – Hospital at Nashville, Tenn.
- May, June, July; On sick leave; furlough at Salem Crossing, Indiana
- July and August 1862; Present
- September and October; Present
- November and December 1862; Present
- January and February 1863; Present
- March and April 1863; Present
- April 10, 1863: Present
- May and June 1863; Present
- Last paid to June 30, 1863
- MISSING after Battle of Chickamauga, 19 September 1863
- Confirmed at Richman, VA., September 29, 1863
- Admitted to Hospital at Andersonville, Georgia August 6, 1864, where he died 25 August 1864 of Dysentery
- Mustered out Roll, Camp Stanley, Texas 28 September 1865
Levi Strong’s Civil War Record found at the National l Archives.
Here is the story of Levi in the Civil war.